Why Sharp Matters

Ask any cook about their tools and the first thing they will mention is their knives. In the kitchen, a knife is an extension of your hand. At Astoria Cutlery we take this notion very seriously. Culinary artistry requires patience, persistence, and passion and in the shop, we share these same values.

Patience: Sharpening isn't a well-defined or documented discipline, learning and understanding takes time. Ask questions and be prepared to find and create the answers.

Persistence: Sharpening takes practice. See, hear, and feel the sharpening process. Sharpening isn't easy. Repetition is key, consistency is paramount. You will fail, celebrate the learnings. Fail forward then get back up.

Passion: Care as much about your work as those who use the tools. Our work is showcased the moment the tool is in the artisan's hand. Relish this simplicity.

Although the brigade is where we learned this trade, sharp doesn't just stop at the kitchen. Many artisans make a living with their tools and it is our goal to give them the ability to create their best work.

Whether it's scissors, chisels, knives, or cuticle nippers, we want to give you an edge. We know that the skill is inside you, and we want to be the bridge to your finished product.